chn19 0fficial : Best Harith Build Item | Mobile Legends (ML)
Harith Build Item | Mobile Legends (ML)
Harith is quite a mage OP, more or less this hero is as annoying as Harley, a mage who has barrage bursts of agility and agility so it's very difficult to pick up / kill. Immediately following the complete tutorial on how to learn to play and master this unique hero.
This is Best Harith Build | Mobile Legends :
1. Magic Shoes

As already explained in Harith's excess article, cooldown reduction (CDR) is an "important non-essential" aspect for him. Because he already has the innate ability of CDR from skill 2 and Ulti. However, this item is arguably the safest option if you want to reduce the duration of cooldown skill 1 and the Ulti through a CDR effect of 10%.
It's this awkward thing that makes this item replaceable. All back again depends on your gameplay and tastes as a player. If you feel Harith is not agile, you can use Rapid Boots. You can also use Arcane Boots to increase the pain of damage through the Magic RES that it produces.
2. Clock of Destiny

The first choice of core items fell on the Clock of Destiny because of its versatile effect. For early games, an additional 60 Magic Power, 615 HP and 600 mana are quite large. Not to mention the price is cheap so you can quickly get this item ready.
This item also has a passive effect that matches Harith's ability to control time. Every 30 seconds, this item adds 30 HP and 5 Magic Attack. This effect can be stacked a maximum of 10 times.
That is, after 5 minutes of occurring this item, you will get an additional total of 300 HP and 50 Magic Attack. Not to mention the additional effects in the form of a bonus of 5% Magic Attack and 300 which if you have collected 10 stacks.
This addition is certainly an unexpected help for Harith. You could say an additional cellphone is the most important aspect because of the Harith gameplay that requires continuous diving towards the enemy. Additional HP certainly will make his life become longer like a cat that has nine lives.
3. Calamity Reaper

Among the six items that you have to make, the Calamity Reaper is a lock for Harith. Additional attributes and effects of this item are very synergies with Harith's overall gameplay.
This item provides an additional 70 Magic Power, 100 mana, 30 mana regen, and 10% CDR. All the attributes that Harith really needed, especially in the early game. Even though the price is cheap, this item can be faster than other items.
Well, the locking of this item is in the passive effect. After activating the skill, the basic attack will produce true damage of 120% Magic Attack and 10% movement speed for a few seconds.
This effect is very synergy with skill 2 Harith which produces magic damage in the next basic attack. Thanks to the Calamity Reaper, the basic attacks that you produce after activating skill 2 also produce true damage. Imagine if you keep on issuing this skill in the late game. It must have been very painful for the damage!
4. Concentrated Energy

Even though they have the ability to survive thanks to the skill 2's shielding effect, Harith is still vulnerable and flabby when hit by an enemy attack. Relying on shields is certainly not enough. Therefore, Concentrated Energy and its vamp spell effects can again be an additional 'life' for the hero.
Compared to other Mage heroes who rarely issue skills, Harith is somewhat more suited to this item. Because he can continuously issue magic damage from skill 2. This makes him able to fill blood faster than other Mage.
Just like Clock of Destiny, Harith will be greatly helped by an additional 700 cellphones that support his aggressive playing style.
5. Holy Crystal

Burst damage items like the Holy Crystal can be said to be the right choice to support the gameplay of Harith as a mid-late game hero. Additional 90 Magic Attack and 25% Magic Power accumulated from your items is certainly very large and makes the damage even more painful.
Holy Crystal also has other passive effects that match the Harith skill combination. After removing the skill, he will get a 15% Magic Damage bonus for the next skill. can use this effect for combo still 2, then continue with skill 1.
6. Blood Wings

Usually, the Mage hero is strong in the mid game but his strength is reduced in the late game because it is covered by carrying heroes. Even so, Harith, unless you become a Blood Wings as the ultimate item.
The 150 Magic Attack bonus from this item will help Harith maintain the damage in the late game. In addition to getting sick, Blood Wings also made him greater thanks to an additional 500 HP, plus extra HP which was accumulated 1.5 times Magic Power