x launcher pro apk 3.0.6
x launcher pro apk Turn your phone into the shape of the iPhone X Launcher Pro Apk based on the latest IOS11 model, which changes the look of your phone like Phone X.X Launcher Prime app is a great launcher to publish like iPhone X launcher for Android. It comes with a launcher as well as an IOS control center.
x launcher pro apk If you like the look of iPhone X launchers, this is the perfect app for your Android device. Its appearance and feel are similar to the X Launcher. Here's the latest or professional version that you can download for free. Professional Edition includes all the accessibility features and an ad-free experience. So, download X Launcher Pro APK now and change the look of your Android device to iPhone X.
Download App Launcher for iPhone X Launcher Prime Paid Version Free for Android
OS11 style control to select WiFi, network, brightness, size, screenshot
Comes with a variety of themes to experience the user-friendly OS11 style
With wallpapers and custom icon packs similar to IOS
Powerful application manager
IOS based folders with the ability to create new folders
Excellent 3D animation effects
Weather and weather widget with ability to get weather forecast in recent days
Zoom with two fingers to enable hide apps to protect your privacy.
You can also try: IOS Control Center 11 (Special Version) Full APK
Download x launcher pro apk for iPhone X Launcher Prime Paid Version Free for Android
Download x launcher pro apk the link here
Download x launcher pro apk the link here