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chn19 0fficial : Kadita Build Item | Mobile Legends (ML)

Kadita Build Item | Mobile Legends (ML)

Kadita is a new hero that will appear on the original server mobile legends. things you need to know, kadita is a hero from Indonesia. This hero is taken from Indonesian folklore stories, Nyiroro Kidul.

Kadita is a hero who has a role or type mage, therefore the suitable emblem for kadita heroes is a magical or mage emblem.

Kadita Build Item | Mobile Legends (ML)

A little about the hero kadita, this hero is a hero who has the power of water. why has the power of water? because kadita hero should be Nyiroro Kidul, Nyiroro Kidul alone is the ruler of the south sea. Nyiroro kidul is the ruler of the ocean, therefore the strength of our hero also has the power of water.

Then what is the suitable build items for this kadita hero? the following is the best kadita hero item build: 

Build Item Kadita

1. Demon Shoes
Kadita is one of the heroes the usage mana is too wasteful, but even so, the hero is not a hero who needs a buff. So, if you use kadita hero you need to save which usage mana. Well, how to save which one of them is by using demon shoes.
Demon shoes will give +30 mana regen, and the unique passive given by demon shoes is if you kill an opponent or get an assist, your mana will regenerate by 10%.

2. Lightning Truncheon
Second build item kadita is Lightning Truncheon, because Lightning Truncheon will give +75 Magic Power, +300 Mana, and 10% Cooldown Reduction.

The unique passive of Lightning Truncheon is every 6 seconds, the next magic attack from the hero will give bonus damage magic up to 3 opponents that scale from the maximum mana of the hero.

3. Fleeting Time
Fleeting Time is very necessary for kadita because with Fleeting Time the ultimate cooldown of kadita will be faster. Why is that? because Fleeting Time will give +75 magic power and 15% Cooldown reduction.

Because kadita heroes rely heavily on their ultimate to deal great damage to the enemy.

4. Concentrated Energy
Concentrated Energy is also very necessary for Kadita because one item will give +700 HP to kadita and will also regenerate HP by 10% when we kill the opponent. besides that Concentrated Energy will provide additional magic power as much as +75 Magic Power

5. Winter Truncheon
With this one item, it will be easier to save yourself because Winter Truncheon will make your hero unable to be attacked for 2 seconds when we use it. The CD of Winter Truncheon is 100 seconds.

Besides that Winter Truncheon will give additional damage of +65 Magic power and additional armor of +25 Armors for Kadita.

6. Athena's Shield
Besides damage items, we also need items for defense. the defense item that is suitable for kadita is Athena's Shield. Athena's Shield will provide +900 HP, +56 Magic RES, +20 HP regen

Recommended Emblem for kadita is Magical Emblem or Mage Emblem because kadita is a hero with type Mage and recommended battle spells for kadita is a flicker or petrify.

That was the build item that was suitable for kadita, if you have suggestions or criticisms, comment below.